Pittsburgh Black Nurses in Action

Second Blog Entry: Past and Future (2/16/15)

Posted about 9 years ago by Quentin Smith

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Second Entry: Past and Future (2/16/15)

We are back after our first blog at the end of 2014. Hope you were able to check out our December 2014 blog. Exciting we want to share with all of you. We are posting the blog on the PBNIA website and Facebook page. Come join the conversation by sending a response to the blog on either site. We look forward to hearing from you.

The first blog of 2015 looks at the latter months of 2014 (the past) and at possible health issues on the horizon in 2015 (the future). Let's turn back to the waning months of 2014.

Fall 2014 health events that were topics of conversation around the water cooler

Ebola spreads to the States FYI there are 4 current Ebola Treatment Centers in Pennsylvania:

- Children's Hospital of Philadelphia; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

- Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

- Lehigh Valley Health Network - Muhlenberg Campus; Muhlenberg, Pennsylvania

- Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center; Hershey, Pennsylvania

Mumps outbreak Pittsburgh Penguins –Five players diagnosed.

- CDC guidelines state that individuals born before 1957 should be immune.

- Individual Born in 1957 and after should have 1 or more doses of MMR vaccine, If not medically contraindicated or laboratory immunity evidence obtained.

- http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/schedules/hcp/imz/adult.html

- Influenza season begins - Influenza vaccine is better than no vaccine

Winter 2015 events that have us talking

Influenza season peaking; Pittsburgh hard hit

Allegheny County Health Department's website lists the following as of Jan. 2015:
Number of flu cases – 4,208
Flu related hospitalizations - 631
Deaths - 18
Did you get the flu vaccine? Let us if you did or did not and
why you made the decision you did.
Did you get the flu vaccine? Let us if you did or did not and
why you made the decision you did.

Measles outbreak in California. Could it happen in Pennsylvania?

The outbreak has now spread to several other Western states.
What are your thoughts on the measles vaccine for children?
What are reasons for children receiving the vaccine? Having children no receive the vaccine?
In neighborhoods in which you live and or work, do most of the children have the measles vaccine or not?

Share with us your thoughts by responding via our website, email, or Facebook page respectively listed below:

Website - Pittsburghbna.nursingnetwork.com
Email address - pittsburghblacknursesinaction@gmail.com
Facebook - Pittsburgh-Black-Nurses-In-Action


Dawndra Jones about 9 years ago

It has been a busy season for healthcare. Nurses have been working very hard this season. Our profession is in the driver's seat for prevention as well as management of many of these health related issues. We need to make our voice heard in the community and within the organizations that we work.

Jackie Blake about 9 years ago

Prevention is the key to Good Health! Spread the word to all. It's interesting to see these "past" disease concerns presenting itself in the "future". Could it be the lack of preventive care?

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